Children and Adolescents Deserve Quality Mental Health Care From Experienced Providers

My Background

I am a licensed clinical psychologist who lives in Northern California. I completed my Bachelor of Science in psychology at University of Phoenix. During my master’s program at Walden University, I began working with children struggling with mental health challenges, first as direct care staff at a residential treatment facility and then in a more clinical role in a Therapeutic Behavioral Services department. My doctoral program and completion of my Ph.D. in clinical psychology included an internship at large community-based mental health clinic serving children in Sacramento County. I completed my post doctoral training in Kaiser’s children and adolescent psychiatry department where I still work as a psychologist. My education as well as my practical experience in residential treatment, community mental health, and managed care provide me an excellent foundation for helping children and families struggling with mental health challenges. My experiences also instilled in me an unwavering belief that children and their families can overcome challenges and deserve to be healthy and happy.

 I am trained in treating trauma in children and adolescents, Functional Family Therapy, Aggression Replacement Training (anger management), anxiety treatment, ADHD assessment and treatment for children, and parenting skills. I have experience working with children, adolescents, young adults, and parents doing individual therapy, family therapy, case management, skills training, and parent-behavior-training.

How Can I Help?

I can help improve the lives of children and adolescents by providing quality assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for a variety of mental health conditions including but not limited to:

  • ADHD

  • Depressive Disorders

  • Anxiety Disorders

  • Anger Issues

  • Behavioral Challenges

  • Relational Issues